FIRST of all, I am NOT an Adventure Junky!! I only like to soar high through the sky,
drive fast cars, jump from a ledge attached to a bungee cord, ride fast and
high rides, roller coasters and plummet to the depths of the ocean. None of that makes me an adventure
junky. An adventure junky is someone who
will lock themselves in a cage and submerge themselves into shark infested
waters and I will absolutely positively never EVER do that (seriously, would
anyone actually do this?)!!!!
BUT I do still have adventurous excursions and it’s all because I finally created my bucket list. I got tired of saying someday I want to do that and someday I will do this; someday will never come if you don’t start planning for it today. So I wrote everything I want to do down and started crossing the items off my list.
OKAY, so I know it seems strange for me to have a bucket list at this point in my life when I have a good 10-11 years left (40=death right?). Most people tend to think they don’t need a bucket list until they start receiving their social security benefits but I believe you’re never too young to start experiencing life. And as cliché and silly as the motto goes,
We really only have so much time on earth and I believe we should try to make the most out of it while we still can. Therefore, if you haven’t already, you should create that bucket list and start experiencing shark diving (if you're clinically insane) ASAP. However, trying to accomplish everything on that bucket list can be very daunting (which is another reason to start young). AND it can be super expensive!!
WHICH is why you have come to read my blog; so you can find out how to accomplish that exciting (i.e. terrifying) shark diving adventure on a budget. I have said it before and I will say it again, GROUPON, LIVING SOCIAL, TRAVELZOO!!!! These sites are at your literal fingertips every day so USE them (or I can find them for you)!! I have found so many different adventures on these sites that it has provided me with even more mind-altering excursions to add to my bucket list.
Here are some of the adventures I have so far accomplished thanks to these wonderful online creations. Now you may notice some of these adventures have been mentioned in other posts but they are still relevant here so I’m repeating myself (deal with it).
I Paid
Junkies Pay
White Water Rafting
Rock of Ages on Broadway
Dinner Detective Show
Snorkeling in San Diego
New York City & DC Trip
Food Tours
YES that is almost 50% of savings on exciting life
adventures. Don’t be jealous, just start
doing it yourself!!! (you can be a little jealous, I really won't mind).
White water rafting was also too much fun and I highly recommend doing it whenever California has rivers again!! Side note: Do not wear flip flops, you will likely lose one or both of them when being thrown out of the raft by chasing rapids. AND hopping on one leg because you didn't bring extra shoes and the ground is too hot is not fun!! Another side note: Gripping your paddle for dear life will NOT keep you from being thrown from the raft. Lessons learned the hard way for me!!!
Snorkeling is always a new adventure no matter how many times you have done it. There are so many different sights to see lurking in the ocean. But if you come across any sharks I was not the one who suggested this to you!!
If you have never been to a dinner detective show you should definitely do it soon. It is a lot of laughs coupled with great food. What could be better than that?
NOW, not all of the adventures I have done have been
purchased through these sites. I have
had other mystical life changing experiences throughout the years that haven’t
been a deal but are still worth experiencing and saving for.
I have been on a hiking, kayaking, zip lining experience in Hawaii,
hiking and rock climbing in the Grand Canyon, para-sailing in Hawaii, snorkeling
in Mexico, visited New York TWICE and more that my brain can't remember right now (my parents used to play catch with me when I was a baby so I've had brain damage for as along as I can't even remember)!!.
HOWEVER, not everything on your bucket list has to be death defying. I have plenty of items on my list that are actually responsible grown up activities (I am too a grown up!!!). I have things such as buying a new car (finally did that), getting my Masters (about to start that), opening an IRA and receiving my social security benefits before they no longer exist!! That’s the beauty of creating your own bucket list; it doesn't have to be like anyone else’s. Do what YOU want to do and do it NOW!!!
With that being said, I do of course have many more gravity defying adventures I want to do and you better know by now that I will be purchasing them through my godsend that is Groupon, Living Social or Travelzoo. (I should really start getting commission from these sites right?)